Partnership in Action: Police Training
Police training supported by Bel isi PNG.
Working with partners to address family and sexual violence is critical to helping survivors of family and sexual violence get the help they need. Bel isi PNG is proud to have been able to support the training of 127 police officers throughout the different divisions in the Royal PNG Constabulary to ensure police officers are fully equipped with the tools and knowledge to carry out their duties in enforcing the law. The NCD Metropolitan Superintendent, Perou N’Dranou was delighted when his request for Bel isi PNG to support the workshops was accepted.
Regional training officer Senior Inspector Paul Kipak said the training was to improve the performance of officers in the city’s police stations as the daily management of personnel was an issue. He said more training needed to be done to avoid criticism and complaints from the public and even from the courts.
Superintendent, Perou N’Dranou, wanted the training to equip his supervisors and officers with the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their duties more effectively.
The training supported included:
Court Files preparation (refresher)
Supervisors Roles (Refresher)
Use of Force Workshop
Police Station Commanders Workshop
One key finding was the challenge of police Family and Sexual Violence Units only operating during business hours. This means that many officers who see cases at night and on the weekends are not properly trained to deal with the issues and lack knowledge of the referral pathways. The good news is as a result of Bel isi PNG’s support, more officers have this training and can refer clients to Bel isi PNG and other services for help.
All 127 police officers received a certificate following their attendance at the workshop.
The Metropolitan Superintendent and his officers were very grateful for the support and look forward to strengthening the partnership with Bel isi PNG.
The Bel isi initiative is an innovative public private partnership between Papua New Guinean and international businesses, the National Capital District Commission and is supported by the Australian Government in partnership with the Government of Papua New Guinea, Oil Search, Bank of South Pacific and Steamships Trading Co.