Bel isi PNG stands ready in COVID-19 Response
The Bel isi PNG initiative is an innovative public private civil society partnership.
COVID-19 is not only a public health threat but also poses social risks including the potential to
increase fear and stigma, discrimination and violence.
Many people have been told to stay at home during the COVID-19 global pandemic to prevent the
spread of the virus in the event there is a widespread outbreak in Papua New Guinea. But for some,
that could mean more time in the very place where they are experiencing a different threat to their
safety and well-being - family violence and child abuse.
This is a major concern for all countries around the world and PNG is no exception.
One initiative that has continued to offer services during the COVID-19 State of Emergency is Bel isi
PNG, a public, private and civil society partnership, operated by Femili PNG. The
organisation supports those experiencing family and sexual violence while engaging the
private sector in collaboration with other partners, from both the government and civil
Seventy-nine new clients have accessed the Bel isi PNG Case Management Centre during
the State of Emergency, bringing the progressive total to 538 client s since the organisation
opened its doors in October 2018. Out of these 79 clients, 19 individuals were provided
safe accommodation at the Bel is i PNG Safe House, bringing the progressive total to 195
since inception.
Bel isi PNG is grateful for the support from key essential partners such as the Police Family
and Sexual Violence Units, the National Capital District Family and Sexual Violence Act ion
Commit tee, the Port Moresby Family Support Centre, 1-Tok Kaunseling Helpim Line and
Child and Family Services for their ongoing support in responding to cases of domestic
The outcomes achieved for clients include interim and permanent court protection orders,
arrest of perpetrators, medical referrals, referral and case management for child abuse
cases and repatriation to home locations away from their violent environment.
“Bel isi PNG takes the current COVID-19 threat very seriously and has put in place all necessary
measures to mitigate any foreseeable risk to our operations” says Bel isi PNG Project Manager Danielle
Winfrey. “As in other countries we are seeing a rise in domestic violence cases due to the imposed
lockdowns. Because of this the Bel isi PNG Case Management Centre and Safe House operated by
Femili PNG remains open and ready to help survivors,”
Winfrey also shares a comment by a survivor who told her “ with the current pandemic, I thought the
services were closed and did not think my case worker would check on me, but after receiving a call
from the centre I was overwhelmed to know that the services are still available for access.”
If you are subject to abuse or violence or know someone who is; seek support through the Bel isi PNG
Case Management Centre. We are operating and ready to help.
You can call the emergency contact numbers on, Bel isi PNG Case Management: 7055-4407, COVID-
19 Toll Free Help Line 1800200, St John Ambulance 111, Counselling: 1-Tok Kaunselin Helpim, 7am-
7pm, 7150-8000, Police: 24hr Toll Free Hot Line 1800-100, Transport: G4S Meri Seif Line 7222-1234. Or
you can visit or email
The Bel isi PNG initiative is an innovative public private civil society partnership. It is supported
by the Australian Government in partnership with the Government of Papua New Guinea as part
of the Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development Program, National Capital District
Commission, Bank of South Pacific, Steamships Trading Co, G4S and Oil Search.